Becoming the pro web designer (Essential Frameworks you must know about) – Part 2

WEB DESIGN | December 16, 2015

Hello Everyone! We are back again as per our commitment in our last post. Learning JavaScript and CSS is essential for becoming a good designer. But it is not enough to make you the best. We have discussed some programming languages you need to know to become pro web designer in our previous post. I hope you have started practicing some of the languages that we have discussed. Today we are going to discuss some essential web development frameworks that will help you becoming the pro web designer. 

Talk about redundancy and designing a web page will give you a lot of that. And this is where framework comes in. They do all the dirty tasks and perform repetitive tasks for you. Moreover, they make it easier for you to build and plan your programs. Following are some of the important frameworks about which you should have substantial knowledge.

Becoming the pro web designer (Essential Frameworks you must know about

  1. Meteor
  2. Node.Js
  3. Ruby on Rails
  4. Django
  5. Ionic
  6. Bootstrap
  7. WordPress
  8. Foundation
  9. Backbone.Js
  10. PhoneGap
  11. Drupal
  12. ASP.NET
  13. Laravel
  14. Play


Meteor is a JavaScript App Platform that gives a new and dynamic approach to web application development. It helps you creating real-time mobile and web apps using its full stack of functions. The one thing that Meteor does effectively is handling both front and back-end development. Moreover, it is backed by a community, which helps in creating packages for Meteor.


The reason why Node.Js is one of the popular frameworks is its efficiency and speed in writing patterns easily. Along with this, it performs other important functions involving simple website back-end work. It works well with other frameworks and has many libraries based on a solid package manager. It has become the best option for the non-service usages like creating web content.

Ruby on Rails

The framework on which Ruby run is this and it helps in handling both the front-end and back-end of designs. The best feature of this framework is that it gives a great boost to the web developers who want to eliminate the lame tasks and really focus on building complex websites. It is used for handling database communications, provide a template system or process Ajax updates among other things. The top websites that use Ruby on Rails framework are Twitter and BaseCamp.


Python uses Django.  It is perfect for you if you are looking for a framework that helps you in rapid development. It has a clean and pragmatic design, which is popular for its excellent open-source documentation and a large number of packages available. The last recorded number of packages for this framework was 3000 and it is still growing. It has an amazing community for the support system and has been crowd-tested.


Ionic is the simplest framework to create mobile applications. It is easy to learn and if you are well versed with JavaScript, you can master the nuances of Ionic in no time. It is one hub for building, deploying and scaling the mobile apps easily. It is the world’s No.1 hybrid mobile SDK that lets you focus on what matters the most for App and does the rest of the tasks of prototyping, packaging and updating the app regularly.


Bootstrap comes in handy when UI framework is required to build HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It is a clear winner when it comes to designing because it has good speed and responsiveness. It gives a lot of freedom for working with new ideas because of the multiple customization options. It is among the most popular HTML, CSS and JavaScript frameworks for developing responsive and mobile optimized projects on the web.


WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems for running blogs and business websites. Many professionals are using this CMS to manage their business online. WordPress is easy to use, highly optimize for SEO, and mobile-friendly system. Its premium options give you more control over additional customization. WordPress has the proven record of providing best customer support to its millions of users since 2003. Star wars blog and New Yorker are some of the biggest businesses running on WordPress.


Foundation is one of the most advanced responsive front-end frameworks in the world. It uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript to ensure that you get the best mobile optimized output. Foundation makes it easy to design beautiful responsive websites, applications and emails that look amazing on all devices. It is semantic, readable, flexible, easy to optimize and highly customizable front-end development framework. It comes in three packages to develop amazing websites, emails and applications.


Backbone.Js is a popular front-end JavaScript framework based on the model-view-presenter (MVP) application design paradigm. Released in October 2010, this amazing framework is well known for being lightweight. It is designed to develop the single page web application. Backbone.Js provides communication between models and views that keeps various parts of the web app (e.g. multiple clients and server) synchronized.  


Also known as Apache Cordova, PhoneGap is one of the most popular mobile frameworks, which helps to expose the native APIs of Android and iOs. It is a free and open source framework that lets you create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for every platform. This framework is known for the custom controls it provides. The biggest benefit of using PhoneGap for application development is that unlike relying on platform-specific APIs, it enables programmers to develop mobile apps using JavaScript HTML5 and CSS3.  


Drupal is a popular free and open-source content management framework written in PHP. There are many other CMS frameworks in the market, but the edge that Drupal has its ever-evolving community that helps in developing the framework regularly. It helps in rapid site assembly because it has lots of free designs and plug-ins. It is used as the back-end framework for more than 2.1% website all across the globe ranging from personal blogs to corporate and government websites.


Coming from Microsoft, ASP.NET has a lot of great features that have made it popular. One of the best features of ASP.NET is its ability to reduce tons of coding for building large applications. It helps in enhancing the security of these codes with the use of Windows authentication and per-application configuration. This framework is perfectly suitable for developing small as well as large business websites. The performance of the framework becomes more efficient due to early binding, native optimization, and caching services.


Laravel is free open-source PHP web application framework. The reason why Laravel has become popular is because of its superior use of PHP features. PHP programming has become fun again with the Laravel. This framework comes with the composer packages that make the process of the dependency manager much easier. The Laravel source code is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the terms of MIT License. 


Play is the developer-friendly web application development framework. It uses Scala & Java that provides the lightweight, stateless and web-friendly architecture to Play. Play has been built on Akka and is aiming to optimize the productivity of hot code reloading and other features. Play has integrated testing unit, modular architecture, and native Scala support. is the front-end development framework having full stack for building dazzling web applications. It used front-end technologies like Javascript, CSS, and HTML. Considered the ideal framework for creating mobile apps, allows data manipulation, which is not hindered by side server coding.

So, these are some popular front-end and back-end development frameworks. Being a web designer, you don’t need to master all these programming contexts but, having knowledge of all these frameworks and technologies can help you better work with the web development teams. After all, it is not only design that matters. Your design should be functionally correct as well. 

We have discussed some essential front-end and back-end frameworks in this post. We will be back soon to discuss the function of libraries and database. Till then if you have any query about any of above frameworks, you can ask our experts in comment box below.

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