PSD to WordPress

Starting at $ 350
  • Powerful Admin panel
  • Pixel Perfection
  • Security and Performance audit
  • Responsive and Retina ready
  • Cost-Effective and Flexible
  • Fully Functional Theme
  • Widget Ready Sidebar
  • Advanced Theme Control Panel
  • Support

What is PSD to WordPress?

PSD to WordPress is a service that converts Photoshop files (known as PSDs) into a WordPress theme. This includes slicing and optimizing images, coding HTML & CSS based on the design, and then integrating the code into a WordPress theme.


How to convert PSD to WordPress?

The process of converting a PSD file to WordPress involves slicing the PSD file into HTML/CSS and then integrating it into WordPress. This can be done manually or with the help of a PSD to WP conversion service or plugin. The steps involved include setting up a local development environment, creating a WordPress theme, and integrating the HTML/CSS into the theme. It is recommended to have some HTML, CSS, and PHP knowledge before attempting this process.


Make the website advanced and interactive with PSD to WordPress conversion service

The demand for PSD to WordPress development services has increased manifold, as this CMS has won the hearts of users and web developers worldwide. Whether it is a blogging site or an e-commerce site, it is possible to easily personalize the template system of WordPress. At Pixel Perfect HTML, we have a team of expert and experienced WordPress specialists capable of offering a wide range of solutions according to clients’ requirements.


Uploading PSD to WordPress: What you need to know

Yes, it is possible to upload a PSD design into WordPress. The process involves converting the PSD files into HTML/CSS code and then using a WordPress theme to integrate the newly-converted code. This can be a complex process that requires the help of experienced web developers, but with the right approach and resources, it can be done.

Why select Pixel Perfect HTML for PSD to WordPress conversion?

  • Hand Written & W3C Valid Code

    When converting the PSD files to WordPress websites, our web developers adhere to the latest guidelines to develop the W3C validated codes. Our experienced coders use hand-written codes that enhance a website’s visibility. Our coded WordPress themes have an efficient yet easily usable admin interface.

  • Retina Ready & Responsive Websites

    Responsive websites enhance the user experience are search-engine friendly. We follow the latest guidelines during the PSD to WordPress conversion and develop the device-agnostic websites. With the application of the retina-ready concept, we make sure that websites can offer optimum user-experience on all displays.

  • SEO and Load Speed Optimization

    At Pixel Perfect HTML, we use clean, simple and search-engine friendly codes. Our coders follow the latest SEO practices and web-standards when developing these codes. With these efforts, we make sure that your website ranks highest at all search-engine results and have an optimized loading speed.

  • Fast Turnaround Time

    We maintain a practical guideline depending upon the unique requirements of each project. The primary aim of our professionals is to complete every project within the specified timeframe without compromising the quality of work. We guarantee 100% money-back with substandard service.

  • Dedicated Project Manger

    We appoint a dedicated manager for each project who can focus on the personalized requirements of every customer. Our efficient and experienced managers keep a close eye on each project to properly implement the timeframe and to resolve the issues that may arise during any project.

  • Maximum Support

    We offer the website maintenance and support services to all our clients to optimize the websites’ search-engine ranking and to resolve our clients’ issues. Our technical support team remains available 24x7. You may even contact the project-manager to get updates regarding your project.


Solar Alliance

Solar Alliance is an energy solutions provider focused on residential, commercial and industrial solar installations. They have developed renewable energy projects that provide enough electricity to power more than 150,000 homes.

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PSD to WordPress Packages

Select a PSD to WordPress package from our well-structured & cost-effective packages as per your requirements
Basic Package Premium Package
Package price $350 $438
Custom Theme Development
Theme Installation
Fully Functional Theme
Good Communication
Bootstrap Framework
SEO Semantic Coding
Testing On More Than 30+ Devices And Desktop
Page Height < 1500
All Basic Features plus
Security & Performance Audit
Optimized For Load Speed
WP Advanced Theme Control
WordPress Customization
Guntherberg development
Client Server setup
Mega Menu using wordpress plugin/Custom
Followed phpcs wordpress coding standards
Multi-Lingual Support
Fast loading Website
Newsletter/Mail Chimp Integration with WordPress(Notify Subscibe Plugin and link)
Custom Email Template contact form 7
Page Height 1500 - 2500px
30 Days Free Support

PSD to WordPress Conversion Steps

  • Sending PSD Designs
  • Planning a Project
  • Convert to HTML
  • Integration of WordPress modules
  • Extensive final testing
  • Delivery of Project

Get a Quick Quote

Contact us with detailed information about the project and get a quote NOW!!!!
We keep all information confidential and automatically agree to NDA.
    Multiple files supported ( We take AI, PSD, PNG, JPG, TIFF, WEBP, SVG, PDF, SKETCH, EPS. )